If you’re thinking of hosting a buffet for your reception meal, consider this list of pros and cons to help you make your decision.
Buffets allow you to serve a wide range of foods so you can cater to an array of tastes — including your own. Does your spouse want pasta but you want tacos? Is your best friend’s entire family vegetarian? With a buffet, you can mix things up and offer as many dishes as you’d like! Buffets are especially handy when planning a destination wedding since you can mix local cuisine with foods from your hometown.
Buffets tend to be one of the cheapest meal options since you don’t need as many waiters as you do for a plated meal. Also, since self-service buffets give weddings a more laid-back feel, you can often opt for cheaper food items like burgers or pasta.
Since guests will have to stand in line to get their food, they’re more likely to mingle and chat with their neighbors while they wait.
Long lines will form and some guests will have finished eating while others are just starting.
This format is harder for families with young children and elderly or disabled guests.
If you’re getting married outdoors in the summer, some food may not keep well in the heat. Make sure your caterer knows how to prepare the right food for the weather.
In conclusion: Wedding buffets are a great way for you to offer a wide variety of foods at an affordable price.